Friday, December 5, 2008

Tagged! Twice...

I've been tagged....twice! I'm not sure I can think of 7 random or weird facts but here it goes...

1. In the 4 1/2 years Matthew and me have been married, we have lived in:
  • a tiny apartment
  • a haunted house in Whittier (long story)
  • hotel rooms (while our house was being built)
  • Kathy's house
  • our parents houses
  • bought a house in Sylva
  • sold a house in Sylva
  • my parents house
  • soon to be... a new house in VA Beach

That's a lot of places!

2. I feel like I have been pregnant for the past 3 years of my life! Pregnant in 05', baby in 06' a year off, pregnant again in 08' hopefully baby in 08' or early 09'.

3. I have probably owned more cars than most people.... all since 2003

  • VW Jetta (God rest the V-nasty)
  • Honda Civic
  • Honda Accord 2-Dr
  • Honda CR-V
  • Honda Accord 4-Dr
  • What next you ask? Give me a few more months, I'm sure to have something

4. While being pregnant with gestational diabetes, I can't eat what I want so instead of craving chocolate (well, I do but can't have it) I crave ICE!!!! I eat ice all of the time!!! So much for the enamel on my teeth.

5. We met a couple (our asst. pastor and his wife) that have our same exact anniversary! June 26, 2004- they were married one hour before us.

6. Weird fact- I sent a text to Ashley to have her ship her breast pump to I had it until March, we were cleaning out stuff and I took it back to her at Ellison's 2nd birthday- a month later, found out I was pregnant again... Who knew I would have another use for that thing, but who wants to spend $200 for a new one? That package should give the UPS man a

7. Bed rest is not all it's cracked up to be. While I was working, I was constantly in pain and wished I could just have some time to rest. Well, God has a funny sense of humor...after a scare with pre-term labor, I got that rest.... now, I am STIR CRAZY!!!!

I hope you all enjoyed my randomness...

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